
My Blogs


There’s so much said and written about the law of giving and receiving. I remember when I was probably around 8, I had a tea cup with a sketch of a little girl in a white frock with matching hat holding a basket of apples and the quote “Give what you have, it may be better than you think”.  Funny how some memories can be so vivid!

It was years later when I figured out the meaning of that quote. To appreciate abundance is to share after all, we benefit freely from nature’s abundance every day. The sun’s warmth, the coolness of the breeze, refreshing rainfall, blooming flowers, vegetables and fruits.

Part of my morning routine is making room for a daily WhatsApp positive post to friends. From as early as 545 am I receive cute messages wishing me a terrific day. Now of course half of them are just forwarded messages but I confess, I am happy to receive. On my end, I take time to search for words and images that remind me of my friends. I chose words that convey encouragement and love. I feel so complete when there’s a reply …”Thanks for this. I needed this today”. Mission accomplished.

Recently I purchased 2 branded masks and gave them to a couple who always send their best wishes to me through a mutual friend. I met with them recently and it was such a joy to see them and present them with my humble gifts. They were quite pleased and very appreciative. I then went over to a plant shop to purchase some soil for my home garden project. I struck up a delightful conversation with the owner who was most happy to take me for a tour of his place while dispensing valuable tips on garden start-ups. When I was ready to leave, he gifted me with 2 sets of vegetable plants for my garden. Sweeet! And now, when my garden picks up (send me a prayer here) I too will be able to share with others!

I’m really loving this flow of energy and I encourage you to continue to give what you have. It might be better than you think.



Lately I’ve been following up on Bollywood actresses Sonali Bendre and Manisha Koirala. These ladies are not just figures of beauty, but survival. 

Bollywood flicks have over the years, exposed us to beautiful women who light up the screen with brilliant smiles and bright eyes, and the hip shaking drama men who always get the girl in then end. Very rare do we remember that these are humans just like you and me. They are just as vulnerable to health complications as the rest of us. When I think of Manisha Koirala, there are fleeting images of the movie 1942 – A Love Story, which I think was the first MK movie I ever saw. Her story is quite moving and for those of us who have had several knocks in life, you too will be inspired by her experience. 

…you see many people close to you [suffering] but it never quite occurs that it will happen to you. I had been sick, but it was always like flu and food poisoning. The body was giving me symptoms that there is something wrong and the immune system is getting weak. Over a period of time, my stomach had bloated badly. I was doing Pilates and going to the gym and I was losing weight from everywhere barring the stomach. I thought that old age is finally catching up with me. Manisha Koirala, India Today Jan 2014.

Sonali Bendre’s story is one filled with terrifying irony. You’ll remember that warm friend Dr Priya in the movie Kal Ho Na Ho who  supported “Aman” through his ordeal. There she was offering courage and love to someone terminally ill, when 15 years after, SHE would be the one relying on family and friends to help her cope with her cancer diagnosis. 


Sometimes, when you least expect it, life throws you a curveball. I have recently been diagnosed with a high grade cancer that has metastised, which we frankly did not see coming. A niggling pain led to some tests, which led to this unexpected diagnosis. My family and close friends have rallied around me, providing the best support system that anyone can ask for. I am very blessed and thankful for each of them.  

Manisha Koirala has recently released an autobiography following her diagnosis :HEALED – How Cancer Gave Me A New Life. I guarantee you’ll be touched.

Sonali Bendre  has received much commendation for improving awareness through her social media posts. Her Instagram photos and chats really offer an in depth look at what such a diagnosis can do to someone and how this affects the family. 

These ladies and so many others are fighting to survive while enjoying their new “script”, so why not catch up with them. Life is awesome and it really is what you make it.



According to Wikipedia and Greek mythology, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again.

In 24 hours the world witnessed victory and loss. We saw this in the eyes of Tiger Woods the moment he knew he had secured his win at the Masters and in the eyes of those looking on at the fall of the Notre Dame. We have all experienced those cold hands of failure and in a beautiful twist, we have also been lifted up with wings of success. Surely we can appreciate what these two world events mean. For me, it’s even more poetic that this fascinating display of duality happened at the start of Holy Week. A time when we are reminded of the crucifixion and resurrection of a leader, according to the Bible. 

Tiger Woods has always been an ace golfer but a public scandal and several injuries pretty much screwed up his career. The naysayers, the critics and the narcissists were all too happy to remind the rest of us of his downfall. Honestly, I never thought he would wear the green jacket again but I was always amazed by his courage and brave attempts to re enter the game. Persistence really pays off.

The Notre Dame. A symbol of peace and architectural beauty for millions around the world. 200 years to complete and stood tall for 850 years. It was saddening to see this crumble in just 12 hours. Immaculate floors, stunning artwork, the majestic spire and the sweat of hundreds of men replaced with in such little time, rubble, broken glass and sweat of fire fighters against the backdrop of weeping onlookers, Catholics and art lovers around the world. All is not lost thankfully. This devastation has inspired a surge in philanthropic efforts and a sense of greater appreciation for what’s left of Our Lady. What’s gone is gone and it could be 40 years for reconstruction to be completed but comebacks always open up opportunities for growth and improvement. Change is never comfortable but sometimes necessary in our quest for a better life. 

Call it coincidental or sneaky conspiracy by a higher power, these events in my mind have been successful in revealing the meaning of Hope, Faith and Gratitude. Not a bad time to take a look at ourselves as we settle into a long and enjoyable weekend.

Happy Easter!


Recently, I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon in the company of members and devotees of the Lakshmi Sabha Mandir, Claxton Bay. There was discourse, a ceremony and of course, singing! The singers were super! They succeeded in provoking everyone old and young to clap, sing along and even dance. What an invigorating experience. But I couldn’t help but be in awe of the atmosphere there and across our country at this time. There I was in the presence of delightful vibrations while another section of our twin isle is also caught up vibrations, of a different sort. #carnival2019Observing the folks at the mandir when the Bhajans started and the dholak and dhantal took off, maaaan it was if all troubles were thrown out the door. Some had their eyes closed (not me obviously), some were clapping, at least one guy was so moved he danced and danced and…. danced. Most joined in chorus, obviously lost in the music and carried by the rhythm. They were …yes…HAPPY and at ease.
Similarly, at a fete or on the road. When those artistes take charge of the stage, you are in a totally different zone. Somehow as tired as you might be, when the music hits you, yuh gone! I loooove looking at pan bands. Those men and women really just let loose and you know why? Because right there, in that moment, they are not thinking about their troubles. They are…you said it, HAPPY!
How one chooses to celebrate or enjoy a moment is a personal choice. Some might find it vulgar or disrespectful or even classless. On the other hand, some might find an afternoon at temple or church to be boring but really, is that any funkin’ business of mine or yours? Life can be a treacherous run at times, but when there’s an opportunity to get those endorphins flowing (as long as safe and harmless factors are at play), then give yourself that needed break.

KHAN they do it

Do you remember your first Shah Rukh Khan film? What about Salman Khan or Amir Khan? Let’s see, for me , I recall Anjaam, Dil Tera Aashiq and Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak. Of course for those of you mega Khan fans, your memory would go much further back as they seem to have been on screen for ages! Well, they have but now new names and faces are jostling for the spotlight. And as an article in Times Now goes, the Khansome star boys are facing major challenges with their movies.
All hail Ranbir Kapoor and Ranvir Singh!!
The Bollywood Khans, like other colleagues, have taken on much more in the industry, with their film production companies. One would expect with their huge fanbase and lengthy career on screen, their films would be uber successful as they would now have some more control over the product. Lately, this is not the case. Maybe this new generation of film lovers are tired of the same ole same ole (I know I am). Unless there’s a killer soundtrack and some clever storyline, there’s not much left to intrigue. Or maybe folks are quite turned off by the fact these are *ahem senior dudes and should be relegated to senior roles rather than the one who gets to make out with the fresh dewy faced actress.
Here in Trinidad, we still love them. Their films might be colossal failures at the box office but these guys still hold the Favourite Actor title. As one listener said, “my love affair with Salman will never end”- Papa -yo! And let’s not start with Shah Rukh Khan. That’s King for true!
Click the link below for details.


It is easier to build up a child than it is to repair an adult.
This is so clear when you’re reading about killings, robberies, kidnappings and corruption. If we can’t save one generation, perhaps we should start with those who can still be inspired and groomed into decent men and women.
Let me share with you the story of Shakira Rahman. Shakira is on the board of directors for a UK Muslim charity named Penny Appeal and her goal is for the foundation to find innovative ways in helping the 4.5 million children living in poverty. This is no ordinary board member. Shakira Rahman is just 11 years old, their youngest member and brimming with confidence.
She said she approached Adeem Younis, founder/director, with her thoughts and suggestions. I imagine Mr Younis was completely bowled over by her tenacity and charm. Kudos to him and the others for really listening to the voice of a young girl who genuinely wants better for the less fortunate.
The future looks good with someone like Shakira Rahman. You can check out the charity’s work by clicking the link below.


I spent my weekend sniffling, sneezing, medicated and snoring. Gotta say, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be as a couple of years ago, my body took some rough knocks from pneumonia. (Twice!)
We often hear and read about the mind, body and spirit. I think we’re getting the hang of understanding the deep connection there, but still a work in progress connecting all three. Once we do, life will seem so effortless. I can confirm this.
The fact that this flu didn’t hit me a one two punch means my body is stronger. My body is stronger because I made a conscious decision to take better care of myself. This was achieved through healthy meals (yeahhhh I have my binge days), cardio, dance and rest. But that’s just a part of the process of self-care. It’s important we spend time doing the things we absolutely love. There’s a vibrational reward attached here and when it hits you, you’re on the way to a whole new level of HAPPY! Also, it helps if you engage with folks who truly care for and love you. They are the ones who will encourage you to be better.
AH! Some folks swear by the ole time remedies for the cold. Some ginger and saffron tea with an old fashioned menthol crystal / eucalyptus vapor have been proven to be pretty effective in the journey to flu free status. Click on the link below for some more “long time” tips:

Make it a beachin’ 2019!

They say a little sand between the toes always takes away the woes and how true this is for the many of us who take to the beach on the weekend or work day (ahem) even for an hour or two. Recently there was a compilation of the top 50 beaches in the Central America and The Caribbean for 2018 by travel company Flight Network. I wasn’t surprised to see Maracas Bay, however this was at # 20 and the only TT hot spot listed. Sure Maracas is popular but is it REALLY the best we have? Some of my colleagues agree with me here that there are many other options to delight the sea lover’s heart. Las Cuevas, Tyrico, Stone Haven Bay, Store Bay, Pigeon Point, Toco, Clifton Hill and Mayaro were among the favourites chosen by listeners. But what is it that makes a beach YOUR beach? Here’s what some folks had to say:
The water obviously. Clean and clear.
A little wave action.
Family vibe with not too much noise. (Early morning works best for me)
Lifeguards on duty!
Bake and shark
WOMEN! (hence the Maracas I guess?)
One that’s not crowded. (Ok this rules out Maracas)
A nice long shoreline for cricket or football.
Personally, I’m not too fussy about beaches as my experience is not limited to tumbling waves and salty air. It’s the drive (especially when I’m not driving), the laughs I share with the company, the scenic spots that remind me we are still blessed by nature, a casual conversation with a coconut man or sno cone vendor and above all, the freedom to rest all troubles at the shoreline when that frothy water tickles your toes.
Sadly, we are always aware of the safety issue so one can never really be too carefree but let this be a year you factor in some beach time with those you love. Ketch ah vaps and ride out! Enjoy the beautiful parts of our country. If you plan on travelling out of the country this year, click on the link below for some amazing choices.


Being on vacation is not just limited to late mornings and laid back activities. While I enjoy the molasses momentum, I am loving my morning reflections.
For example, this morning while regaling in swirls of jasmine incense smoke with a lonesome dove resting on the electrical wire outside my porch, I allowed memories of vacations past. It doesn’t seem long ago, when I took a few days off, I travelled to another island. Not only was I able to afford the airfare and accommodation for a week, I also travelled alone and had a great time! I worked for much less, I was not as mature as I am today (take that with a pinch of paprika) and I was much more carefree.
I recall my trip to Grenada many years ago where I stayed at Rex Resorts. I enjoyed such warm hospitality. There were early morning walks along the beach, relaxing conversations with the bartender who would make these really innovative drink mixes, the receptionists, the market folks. There was one vendor who apparently grew up on the same street where my mother’s grew up,
Spice vendor: “You from Trinidad? Where?”
Me: Central.
SV: Where in Central?
Me: Couva
SV: Daz around California side?
Me:You know ppl in California?
SV: YES! I grew up in California! You from there?
Me: No, but my mother is from there. Sanford Street
SV: Oh my Gaaaawwwddddd! I from there!
So you can just imagine the loud cackle to burst out from that stall. LOL I walked firther down and met a conch shell vendor who gifted me with a beautiful coral bracelet he said he made himself. His words “this is to remember me”. Yes I still have it. I met another spice vendor. Her name was Victoria. Nice jolly woman who had me sit on her bench and help with a few sales.
Then I met Jimmy the street man. Well spoken, articulate and very knowledgeable. He offered to take me around Grenada in half a day and I accepted. Now when I look back, that was pretty risky but I didn’t feel uncomfortable. We had a grand time and yes, we completed our journey in half a day. He provided amazing history trivia and really enjoyed sharing his opinion on politics. Folks back at the resort were a bit shocked at my bravery but everyone knew Jimmy, so I didn’t think much of it. Of course, that is not to be repeated.
How times have changed! I haven’t had a vacation like that in ages and now with Covid 19 health protocols, the stress of having to be tested more than once, wondering if someone sitting next to you might be asymptomatic or if the test result is delayed…I’mma wait it out for a while.
Meantime, I’ll just relish the beautiful offerings right here. Trees, plants, friends, pets, music and my favourite drinks.